
MediCom Worldwide, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

ACCME accreditation seeks to assure both physicians and the public that continuing medical education activities provided by MediCom Worldwide, Inc. meet the high standards of the Essential Areas, Elements and Policies for Accreditation as specified by the ACCME.

The ACCME rigorously evaluates the overall continuing medical education programs of institutions according to standards adopted by all seven sponsoring organizations of the ACCME. These are the American Board of Medical Specialties; the American Hospital Association; the American Medical Association; the Association for Hospital Medical Education; the Association of American Medical Colleges; the Council of Medical Specialty Societies; and the Federation of State Medical Boards of the US, Inc.

In addition to providing ACCME accredited programs, MediCom Worldwide, Inc. is also accredited by the following organizations providing continuing education programs for pharmacists and nurses:

MediCom adheres to all ACCME Essential Areas and Policies, as well as those established by the AMA, PhRMA Code, and OIG Guidelines. All activities are reviewed internally by faculty, and externally by a group of scientific advisors to ensure subject relevance, scientific rigor, timeliness of topic, and freedom from all commercial bias.